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(Oliver W. Holmes)
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To ensure our services can meet highest quality available at current times, we constantly improve our knowledge and capabilities. Since we started this website just recently not that much of our knowledge and concepts is mentioned on the site already. Of course a lot of it will never be mentioned. But in the next couple of months we want to describe some of our concepts and methods here.

At the moment, you can find some info about the following concepts and methods:

For more information about these concepts and methods, just follow the links here or in the menu.


Although Albert Einstein was probably wrong with his relativity theory, we strongly agree with his opinion he had that fantasy is more important then explicite knowledge. While in the Western civilization emphasis is mainly on explicit knowledge, we think it would be far better if more people know how to use their implicit and/or tacit knowledge.

The theorist Weggeman (some dutchman) defines knowledge being the personal skill that must be seen as a product from the information, experience, skill and attitude someone has on a certain moment: K = I*ESA. Information is the person dependent knowledge that can be transferred into person independent knowledge and mainly influential on knowing. The ESA block is also person dependent and can be shared through socialisation or been transferred into data through elicitation. Experience and skills will mainly influence the skills, while attitude determines wants and permissions.

Attitudes are mostly not mentioned in knowledge management. Wegeman does mention attitude, with the motive of 'redressing balances'. He uses the definition: ‘a generalised evaluative summary of more elementary cognitive units called beliefs’ (Calder en Schurr). Calder and Schurr regard beliefs as evaluative (good or bad) or non- evaluative (true or false). Values provide abstract thoughts and long term interests to evaluate objects, activities and events.The hierarchu of values and beliefs determine the attitude. Attitudes serve to reach individual goals. They are based on values and beliefs. When not available, actors search in their surroundings whether other people own them. With the goal of serving their own attitude. This behaviour is called social information processing. This might be used to activate people to share their knowledge.

There are 2 approaches to knowledge management:

  • The stock approach, knowledge is objectively transferrable. This involves saving information in systems and databases, ICT has a decisive role in this stock approach
  • The flow approach, knowledge is not objectively transferrable. This way of thinking means that main emphasis is with facilitating learn processes by and between professionals. ICT only has some facilitating role with this approach. Together with a flat organizational structure, global task descriptions and a HRM strategy stimulating synergy in cooperational cultures.

We at Wilvon are mainly interested in the flow approch, which deals with the human factors of knowledge management. We can assist you and your organization implementing and changing business processes to support and facilitate knowledge management.

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